1. Kwikila High School is closed because foods run out;
2. A college dormitory outside Port Moresby, is burnt to ashes and 60 odd students will spend the night outside
3. Kerevat National High School which passed out students in the likes of the current Governor General maybe suspended because of facilities condemned in 1994 not updated yet - http://asopa.typepad.com/asopa_people/2009/07/dangerous-keravat-school-faces-closure.html
And on a more personal scenario I had my own woes and crises - we had a SNAKE in camp right over the table where we have our breaky, lunch, dinner and daily conversational get togethers. Some pics of it should liven this misery:
The first peep and first sighting -
Then speared first (to prevent it recoiling) and quickly arrowed asit sticked it's head out:
Speared and arrowed in various places it was quickly pulledout of the ceiling (it still resisted strongly):
Speared and arrowed its still coiling on the floor:
Poor little snake, sitting around minding its own business.....mind you who ever hit it 3 times with the arrows is a mighty good shot, free beer to that person!
Eeek! Mate, you know me not to shying away from most things. But this has got me by the balls.
I am getting goose bumps seeing just the photos.
Bruce Dorum
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