Even our mentor 'father- figure' Australia is giving us 'the finger' in some departments because our elites are all good-for-nothing, pot-bellied, double chin flopping, money mongering, corrupt idiots.
It is becoming more and more obvious that the Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea (never mind the laughable titles as Chief/ Sir/ Turakikil or whatever it is that the Tolai's have bestowed him with) is loosing it.......................I strongly suggest someone close to him (maybe his daughter Bertha for what she's worth??) tell him in confidential terms that it is high time he should walk out now and walk out while he still has some respectability left from the fast dwindling number of Papua New Guinean support. You can get the feeling that he is starting to get on some very seriously raw nerves when you hear some unemployed, illiterate, drunk, youth who is a known criminal playing a game of pool at 2 mile hillside tuckerbox say very knowledgeable things like how he sets up some Commission of Inquiries and not allow it to conclude by replacing Chairmans or suspends the inquiries, the purchase of the Falcon Jet, what happenned to the Maladina/ NPF case, the Speaker let loose on gagging debates and when the drunk youth mentioned about the early adjournement of the parliment thereby breaking the 'mama law' it took me by surprise and really hit me that Michael Somare is really starting to get on some very very 'roots fella's' nerve. And this is only one fellow speaking his mind; multiply that by 'how many thousands' of unemployed youths. Never mind the employed youths and those that can read the newspaper or at least has the time to watch the 6pm EMTV newspaper.
We talking those street youths that has no reason to watch news, read newspapers etc; but look for opportunities to make some rich, moneyman, businessmen, politician's life miserable.
I can read all this and do my best to make informed judgements/ conclusions and decisions, not so for the person I am exempling here - he and his friends knows that there is money to made (and big money that is) in making personal lives of this politicians miserable; and to hell with their own personal lives, they dont have anything loose and nothng to gain for that matter. If they come out with a little, they know its only for a short while: its the 'Livin On The Edge' feeling that they want in this vacation.
Read on the misery............................................
And this are the moneyman (landowners) that will be targets also by their own kinsfolk (if its not happening already)
The LNG project can take care of their medical/ health services plus staff - let 'em work on their own land....................let them do the surgeries,, doctoring and what have you by themselves!!!
Sheesh, there are places like Woodlark, The Engineer Group of Islands, the North Coast Rabaraba in the Milne Bay Province that would deserve this service - and its more paradasic here.
What idiotic idea to go there in the first place anyways???????
And we still carry around the attitude and mentality that only expatriates can do this...............sigh!!!
Anyway, I'll keep building more shit house as more 'shit people' will be coming...................someones got to do it (and get paid do it!!!!!)
Merry New Year celebs and catch on the flipside.
